
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

1. EPIC stories are all around us!

They really are! And learning to see them is simple: be willing to be interrupted. How the Lord uses “off days” on the Race is my favorite. Interruptions have blossomed into angelic encounters, future host partnerships, prayers for healing, prayers for hope, and life long relationships.

Here is a specific EPIC story/friendship I wrote about from Cambodia: Epic Stories Are All Around Us


2. The Lord is working in the DEPTHS of our souls.

If I were to have made a list of “top 3 things I’d like to work on with the Lord”, dealing with the “fear of being annoying” wouldn’t have been on that list. I am a passionate person and have an “excited” personality. God specifically made me that way.

I received a really great piece of feedback in Cambodia from a teammate who knows me and loves me so much. However, my emotions didn’t immediately see it that way. It hurt. I was overwhelmed with fear. As I prayed, the Lord took me to a memory from 6th grade football practice. A kid on the team decided “he just didn’t like me”. His reason… “you’re just annoying”. I was walking to the car after practice and he came up behind me and punched me in the back of the head. What did he say? … “I just don’t like you, you’re annoying”.

I’ve carried that lie and hurt for almost 15 years now. I haven’t voiced it necessarily. I’m not even sure if my wife Kayla had even heard that story. It was buried deep, but the layer of hurt bubbled to the surface as I received the feedback from my friend. And this wasn’t the first time in my life. The feeling was unfortunately familiar.

The hurt didn’t really have anything to do with what she shared or even how she shared it. What my ears heard was manipulated by my hurt. It was a lie the enemy was using to take the loving feedback my friend had given and try to use it to hurt me.

My friend sat with me and led me through a soul care time where I imagined the chains I am holding from that memory. She asked me to imagine exactly where the Lord was in that moment. Then she asked me to forgive that boy from long ago as I imagined the chains turning to dust. It was an emotionally tear-filled and freeing encounter with the Lord. 

Although I feel like we ripped up the root that day, it is a daily choice for me not to allow that lie a place in my life again. I’m thankful Jesus had a different plan for what HE wanted to work through with me. His will was deeper than I could have ever imagined.

Put My yoke upon your shoulders—it might appear heavy at first, but it is perfectly fitted to your curves. Learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble of heart. When you are yoked to Me, your weary souls will find rest. – Matthew 11:29


3. There’s no time to hold back.

LOTS happened month 4. We had an amazing ministry team, fell in love with Cambodia and the long-term base team in Siem Reap, had Awakening with 3 other squads, team changes, being raised up with Kayla as Squad Leaders… lots. Still, with all of the changes, I was reminded of a sensation that I have felt before in times of transition – dang, where did the time go?

It’s not regret. It’s more like sadness when I think about potential missed opportunities. Examples: What could have come from one more 1:1 hangout with a teammate? Did I miss an opportunity to help a teammate grow by holding back on feedback? Maybe I should’ve asked a teammate to grab dinner or get a coffee? Why didn’t I follow up on what a teammate shared with me in month 2?

In the past, big change has meant the pace of life picks right back up in a new direction and the processing of missed opportunities falls away. Cambodia was different. I was able to sit with these thoughts and ask myself the question, “What would it look like for me to enter a new season knowing I went all out?” That’s been my mantra since month 4 and is front of mind as I begin to think about the transition home from the World Race.

2 responses to “3 Lessons I Learned in Cambodia”

  1. God continues to shape us for Our benefit and His Glory Our being molded into what He desires often hurts as we rip open the wounds but only then He can use our pain to lead others to healing. But along the way we need to be careful not to place our hurt on others. You are loved much and your enthusiasm and passion for God is a gift from the Holy Spirit from the time He created you
    Please know God loves your Passion and desires more followers to discover the Joy of serving